Friday, March 27, 2009

Cathys Through Time - Part 2. Cathy Moriarty

Blonde hair love, yeah? Two arms AND two legs, yeah? Eyes, nose, mouth and that, yeah?


…is what you might think on first glance of this here human. But Cathy Moriarty has not only been in nuff films, but one you’ll only have bloody seen. Raging Bull, int it? You know, that one with the people doing the things and the there’s that plot and it’s all based around that one guy who looks just like himself.

And get this hit of high-grade mind-bumming…

She were only in f**king neighbours and all!

But yeah, two arms AND two legs. Boring…


Legs – 2

Arms – 2

Famous Films – 1

Neighbours – Become Good Friends

Jon Bon Jovial

(click for more Cathys Through Time)